Save the date for 2020 edition: August 24-26
Start it @KBSea 2019
Sun // Sea // Business
Set sail for Start it @KBSea in Ostend this August
The Kursaal in Ostend will be the ultimate startup hotspot from the 19th till the 22nd of August. Why? Because the Start it @KBC community will turn the place upside down with a four-day acceleration event. Ostend's historical Kursaal venue will be bursting with startup energy, enthusiasm and ambition. Each KBSea day is built up around different subjects with interesting workshops, inspiring network events and sports on the beach.
- DAY 1 - Monday, 19 August - BREXIT day
- DAY 2 - Tuesday, 20 August - HR day
- DAY 3 - Wednesday, 21 August - SALES day
- DAY 4 - Thursday 22, August - MONEY day
An office with a sea view this summer? Register for the free co-working space, available all four days. It is a place where business and pleasure come together to create a unique atmosphere where anything can - and will - happen, from co-working to networking, from beach tennis and barbecue to yoga and keynotes.
Stay tuned for more info on the workshops, events, keynotes and many more activities that will take place during these days. Links for registration will pop up soon - there are still some more links to come. So do check the program regularly and make sure to save your seat in time!
During the four days of startup madness, we will install a pop-up shop on the boardwalk where you can promote and sell your products and services. We can host three startups at the same time. Each day, we offer two time slots, one in the morning (10:00 - 14:00) and a second one in the afternoon (14:00 - 18:00) for three startups each. Make sure you are the one showing off your product or service, and reserve a seat now! SOLD OUT
Program Overview
Do check the program regularly and make sure to save your seat in time! More events are announced every day!
go to: DAY 1 BREXIT // DAY 2 HR // DAY 3 SALES // DAY 4 MONEY
#coworking #event #keynote #sport #workshop
// DAY 1 - Monday, August 19 - BREXIT day
Do you know what the implications of BREXIT will be for your business? Do you want to expand your business to the UK or find an entry into Europe? Come and join us on this first day to find everything you need to know about BREXIT!
09:00 - 19:00 #coworking
Join our co-working office for free with experts on the floor and our startup community.
Book a seat now!
09:30 - 11:00 #workshop How to set up in the UK
Learn everything there is to know about setting up shop in the UK.
Join us!
11:30 - 13:00 #workshop Funding your business in Belgium
What funding options are available in Belgium and can I apply for Belgian grants as a UK startup? Find the answers to these questions and more during this workshop.
Join us!
11:30 - 13:00 #workshop Funding your business in the UK
What funding options are available in the UK and how are VC's different in the UK? Find the answers to these questions and more during this workshop.
Join us!
14:30 - 16:00 #keynote Startup stories: doing business in Belgium & the UK
Listen to the adventures of UK startups doing business in Belgium and Belgian startups in the UK.
Book your ticket!
16:30 - 18:00 #keynote How to prepare for Brexit?
Hans de Backer from FIT will tell you everything you should do in case of Brexit.
Book a seat now!
// DAY 2 - Tuesday, August 20 - HR day
One founder, two founders... One member, two members... Soon, there's a team! But is it the right team? Learn how to manage your team, how to protect your IP and how to make sure you balance everything right. Join the people experts on HR day!
08:00 - 08:45 #sport Yoga on the beach
Start your day refreshed and energized by joining us for Yoga on the beach.
09:00 - 19:00 #coworking
Join our co-working office for free with experts on the floor and our startup community.
Book a seat now!
09.30 - 11:30 #event Want to meet the new - multinational - partner of Start it @KBC?
Meet & greet Start it @KBC’s brand new – multinational – partner and discover how corporate venturing can help your startup through a panel talk.
Book a seat.
10:00 - 12:00 #workshop Fail to prepare then prepare to fail
Johnny G Mills from Start it @KBC will offer a practical overview of what you need to talk about between founders and first employees.
Book a seat.
10:00 - 12:00 #workshop HR & Intellectueel eigendom (Dutch)
Nicolas Wesling from Lawtree will explain the legal side of IP. This workshop is in Dutch.
Book a seat.
13:00 - 14:00 #keynote Preserve your DNA
Heidi Rakels, founder of Guardsquare shares her experience on how to preserve your startup DNA while growing exponentially!
Join us!
14:00 - 17:00 #workshop People centric team management
Nick Van Langendonck from HiFluence will share his experience in team management and finding the balance in monitoring and letting go.
Book a seat.
14:00 - 16:00 #workshop How to win the War of Talents: step by step guide
Iman Lamrani from IN-Consultancy will cover a step by step guide on how to win the war of talent. Get some practical tips and tricks that will help your in your upcoming hiring.
Book a seat.
17:30 - 18:30 #keynote The Workplace of the future & Work-life balance in practice
Proptechlab & Workero, will dive into recent trends in real estate and co-working innovations. Also, they will take the time to learn you some tips and tricks on how to preserve or establish a healthy work-life balance for you and your workforce!
Join us!
19:00 - 21:00 #event CEO on the beach
Come and listen to founder insights of fast growing startups and learn how to manage your team while scaling.
Book a seat.
// DAY 3 - Wednesday, August 21 - SALES day
You have an excellent product, the best of service. Now, do you have what it takes to sell it? Learn how to accelerate your sales and take away tips and trips from the best in sales.
08:00 - 08:45 #sport Yoga on the beach
Start your day refreshed and energized by joining us for Yoga on the beach.
09:00 - 19:00 #coworking
Join our co-working office for free with experts on the floor and our startup community.
Book a seat now!
09:00 - 12:00 #keynote Sales Acceleration & Growth Hacking
Salesgods Michael Humblet and David Van der Auwera join forces!!! Don't miss out on his tips and tricks on boosting your sales.
Don't miss out!
13:00 - 14:00 #keynote Customer Centricity
Matthias De Clercq from Nexxworks brings a compelling keynote on Customer Centricity.
Join now.
14:00 - 17:00 #workshop Facebook: Boost your business
Facebook shows you how to boost your business.
Seats are limited. Book your ticket.
14:00 - 17:00 #workshop Connecting the data dots - SEO & SEA
Jens De Meester from JAYJAYS will explore generating profit (not leads) through SEO and SEA.
Seats are limited. SOLD OUT
17:00 - 19:00 #workshop Advanced Google Analytics
Google Digital Atelier shows you how to use your Google Analytics insights to the max.
Seats are limited. Book your ticket.
19:30 - 22:00 #event Tennis & Pizza on the beach
What better way to end your day than to play tennis on the beach and enjoy a slice of pizza & drinks?
Join us for tennis & pizza on the beach.
// DAY 4 - Thursday, August 22 - MONEY day
We finish with a day dedicated to funding your business for success. Sail the North Sea with our investors, or pitch your idea to our partners and their friends.
08:00 - 08:45 #sport Yoga on the beach
Start your day refreshed and energized by joining us for Yoga on the beach.
09:00 - 19:00 #coworking
Join our co-working office for free with experts on the floor and our startup community.
Book a seat now!
09:00 - 13:00 #event Sailing with Investors
Did you ever dream of being stuck on a boat with investors? Do you want to have a good talk with them about your investment challenges? Set sail with the investors, and tell them what you need.
Important! Registration for this event is not complete until you receive a final confirmation.
Apply for a seat now!
09:00 - 12:00 #workshop Financieel Plan (Dutch)
Struggling with your financial plan? This workshop hands you the tools you need to start or complete your financial plan. This workshop is in Dutch!
Book your ticket. Seats are limited.
10:00 - 14:30 #event Corporate Innovation & Incubation
Learn how to innovate as a startup from the experts. We've invited some fine speakers on corporate innovation. Meet the Start it X team as they present successful cases of our corporate innovation program.
Apply for a seat now (invitation only).
13:00 - 14:00 #keynote How to become the first Belgian Unicorn
Stijn (Stan) Christiaens, founder of Collibra, will talk about the history of Collibra, the ups and downs, the formula of the unicorn and what we have planned next.
Don't miss out!
14:00 - 17:00 #workshop How to get your hands on money
Three experts, three ways of getting money: bootstrapping (Peter Verboven, Condugo), grants (Jasper Verreydt, Turbulent) & VC funding (Maxime Monard, Monard Law).
Book your ticket. Seats are limited.
14:45 - 17.00 #event ACCENTURE Demoday
Our partner Accenture is hosting a demoday for AI startups with a social impact. Want to pitch on this demoday or interested in being in the audience?
Book your ticket now.
14:45 - 17.00 #event DPG MEDIA Demoday
Our partner Dpg Media is hosting a demoday for startups with a platform that are looking at advertising revenue. Want to pitch on this demoday or interested in being in the audience?
Book your ticket now.
16:00 - 18.00 #event KBC Demoday
Our partner KBC is hosting a demoday for startups in the sectors Energy, Housing, Health, Mobility, Fin/Insurtech. Want to pitch on this demoday or interested in being in the audience?
Book your ticket now.
16:00 - 18:00 #event CRONOS Demoday
Our partner Cronos is hosting a demoday for startups. Want to pitch on this demoday or interest in being in the audience?
Book your ticket now.
19:00 - 23:30 #event BBQ on the beach
The last evening of Start it @KBSEA will not go by unnoticed. At the beach club, we serve tasty food, sizzling drinks! You are the great company to enjoy it. Startups, partners, experts and mentors are welcome to our BBQ on the beach.
Book my spot on the beach.
go back to: DAY 1 BREXIT // DAY 2 HR // DAY 3 SALES // DAY 4 MONEY